What's happening? Who am I? Why am I here? What's my purpose in life? What do I mean by who am I?

I’ve been writing about food in Wales for about 5 years now.

Originally moving here for university with no intention of entering writing as a profession, I started in student media and built my way up to the full-time journalist I am today. Throughout, it’s long been a passion of mine to continue to write about the food outside of the Anglo- and London-centric media.

And however much I do enjoy my job (I really do), the opportunity to write long-form pieces on the the nuance of food within the region fall outside of the remit of my job description. In many ways, my unrelenting quest to put Wales on the culinary map by highlighting its offerings is one that landed me my current job. It is, however, a quest left unfinished.

Thus, I fully intend to use this page to continue this mission. I can’t promise thorough consistency in what I produce, though. Articles may vary from personal essays to unapologetic number crunching data journalism. I cannot promise regular scheduling, either. What I hopefully can offer is thought-provoking pieces around Cardiff, Wales, Bristol, and wherever else I find myself that sparks enough inspiration to start writing.

I’ll be working on this entirely in my free time as a passion project in my hours off of work. There is no plan to ever make this a paid newsletter either, particularly as I’m contractually not allowed to earn money or freelance from my writing.

So hop in for a free ride. Be the first to be notified when a new article is ready, whenever that might be.

Some quickfire FAQs:

  1. So what actually is this page? Just a place for me to write, really. For legal reasons, this is a blog.

  2. Why bitten? I eat a lot of things, that involves biting. I’m sure there’s also a connection to newsbites, etc.

  3. Why Substack? It’s one of the friendliest platforms to use right now. It’s also free.

  4. What do I want to achieve out of this page? Nothing massively, except highlighting the best food in SW and Bristol.

  5. What happened to the old blog? The domain ran out and wasn’t renewed. Too expensive.

  6. Why South Wales and Bristol? Isn’t everywhere outside of London unfairly treated by mainstream media? To the first question, I live in Cardiff and am originally from Bristol which I still visit frequently. To the second question, yes.

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Writing on food in South Wales, Bristol, or wherever I find myself eating.


Journalist, normally writing about food in South Wales and Bristol.